Things no one will tell you about computer science engineering

Computer Science Engineering

What comes to mind when you think of computer science? If you’re like most people, you’ll notice someone coding in a dimly lit room. You might even believe that computer science is all about complicated math and numbers. However, there are numerous computer science facts that may surprise you.

To begin, computer scientists frequently concentrate on theory, whereas computer engineers concentrate on hardware and developers on software. However, computer science is a broad subject with numerous subfields and career opportunities.

Ah, the lucrative world of computer science and engineering. Those astronomical pay packages, aspirations of working in Silicon Valley, and a life spent surrounded by computers all sound appealing, don’t they? It certainly is! In India, millions of students fresh out of high school choose computer science engineering for a variety of reasons, including a genuine interest in the subject, a fascination with the subfields, and a desire for financial gain.

They all have one thing in common: they are rarely aware of the hidden and sometimes overlooked facts about computer science engineering.

We’ll try to shed some light on some of the things no one will ever tell you about computer science engineering!

A bachelor’s degree is actually enough to get yourself a great job:

Unlike other engineering streams or degrees obtained after passing the JEE to gain admission to an IIT, a bachelor’s degree in computer science engineering is sufficient to provide you with the necessary skills to be employed by your dream organisation. No one will ever ask you if you have a master’s degree or not if you work hard enough and have the skills that your dream company requires.

This is largely the reason why college placements for computer engineering students are so successful.

There is an entire world outside coding and programming in computer science:

Coding, coding, and coding some more! Doesn’t it seem like computer science engineering revolves around these words? This couldn’t have been further from the truth. Sure, programming is a big part of computer science, but there are plenty of other options for those who don’t want to get their hands dirty with code.

After all, the fundamentals of computer science will never die.

The next billion customers:

So far, the IT revolution has probably reached a billion people around the world. It will reach the next billion in the next five years. These are going to be a very different groups of people. Because many of them will be illiterate, you should concentrate on non-text, non-English interfaces such as video, animations, and voice recognition.

Embedded systems are designed by computer science professionals:

Have you ever wondered what powers the televisions, radios, and traffic lights you see around you? If you have and have been stumped, here is an answer for you- computer science students and professionals! Yes, it is these engineers who bring those traffic lights and appliances to life. Embedded systems are installed on a variety of devices to perform a specific service or task.

Do you know what you want to do with your computer science engineering career? Why not try your hand at embedded systems? Then you will enjoy the subject.


As IT becomes more prevalent in people’s lives, fewer and fewer of them will be “computer savvy,” and fewer and fewer will regard computing devices as something that must be learned. As a result, the products that will succeed will be those that are simple to use. And making something simple to use is difficult.

It is a sub-discipline of computer science, and there is a lot of theory as well as a plethora of well-defined algorithms and practises that can be used to make things easier to use.

Computer Science Fundamentals (Computer Science Engineering):

This will never go out of style, and yes, when I look at our college students, this appears to be a rather neglected area. It is a mistake to place far too much emphasis on specific programming languages and “technologies.” Whatever your future holds, knowing the fundamentals of computer science will serve you well. Understand data structures and algorithms.

If you don’t have a favourite data structure and a beautiful algorithm, your computer science education is incomplete. If your first thought after seeing an algorithm is not about the algorithm’s complexity (O(n), O(log n), etc.), you should go back to your books. If you’ve only learned Java and C# and don’t understand pointers, heaps, and stacks, you’ll be at a disadvantage sooner or later.

Learn the fundamentals. Learn mathematics and statistics while you’re at it.

You don’t need to depend totally on college to teach you the stuff you should be knowing:

With the number of online courses and study material that has flooded the internet, computer science students no longer need to rely on their university studies to learn what they want. For example, if your college curriculum does not include machine learning and you want to give it a shot, why not enrol in an online course? Who knows, you might end up benefiting from it and pursuing a career in ML or AI.

Don’t expect to learn everything during courses:

All computer science and information technology courses are fantastic. However, they will not cover all of the skills required for a job. For example, if you want to work in software development, you might learn a lot of programming languages, but you might need to learn more.

Without anyone to teach you, you may have to learn and understand new programming languages on your own. It might be a good idea to look for online programming language introductions, some of which are even free, such as Python, MATLAB, Java, and many others.

So, after you’ve completed your core assignments, go to Google and see what kind of computing skills tech companies are looking for. Look into the specific requirements of the companies you want to work for in particular.

Join computer science engineering for the subject, not for the salary:

Many students choose computer engineering solely for the insane placement rates and high salaries that they may end up receiving. This, on the other hand, could be the industry’s undoing. Working jobs where students’ and professionals’ interests are elsewhere is harmful to both the individual and the organisation. If you’re considering studying computer science, don’t do it for the money!

Studying the night before a deadline will NOT work:

Try to complete your assignments well in advance of deadlines, ideally a week in advance. Otherwise, you’ll become exhausted, your code will fail, and you’ll fail the assignment.

Computer Science and IT are two areas where it is critical to keep working throughout the semester because you may need to take a break to figure out why something isn’t working. So, do yourself a favour and work throughout the semester.

That doesn’t mean you have to study every minute of every day; it just means you have to be consistent with your learning progress throughout the year. You’ll fare much better this way.


If you study Computer Science, it may appear daunting because you will need to learn more, study more, and do more. But don’t forget to enjoy yourself. Have fun, hang out with friends, go clubbing or travel, and participate in some student activities.

Your studies are important, but they should not be the only focus of your life. Going out and having fun will help you to refresh your mind and improve your grades. Relax, enjoy yourself, and best of luck!

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