Tips on How to Reduce Negative Marking in NEET-UG Exam 2022

Negative Marking in NEET

If you want to be a doctor in the future, NEET is the best way to get into the country’s most prestigious medical school. Every year, lakhs of NEET aspirants attempt to pass the medical entrance exam to realize their dream. Every year, the competition becomes tougher as a large pool of candidates vies for the coveted opportunity to attend one of the best medical schools in the country.

To secure a seat, a candidate must obtain high marks out of 720 and a high rank. As the number of students grows, the competition becomes more intense.

The NEET exam pattern, including the marking scheme, remains unchanged. Negative marking will remain the same, with one mark deducted for each incorrect answer. In addition, each correct answer will be worth four points. All aspirants must be aware of the negative marking pattern so that they can work on how to reduce negative markings during exam preparation.

Knowing about negative marking and practising to avoid it is a critical gimmick for achieving a higher NEET-UG exam score.

Tips to Eliminate Negative Marking in NEET Exam:

Read the Question Paper Carefully:

At ThinkIIT, we teach all of our students the importance of carefully reading the entire question paper before the exam. This is essential because students may find similar questions in previous years’ question papers. However, there may be subtle changes in the papers that students will miss if they do not thoroughly read the question paper.

As a result, students should thoroughly read all of the questions before beginning to attempt the NEET paper.

Never Be Overconfident:

Being confident is beneficial, but being overconfident is detrimental. As a result, all candidates should be aware of the fine line between confidence and overconfidence. Make sure you don’t become overwhelmed and careless when you first start answering questions. Some students become overly excited after going over the question paper, which can lead to silly mistakes and thus negative marking.

So, if you want a better result, try not to be overwhelmed while taking the NEET exam.

Don’t Be Overconfident:

Overconfidence and confidence are distinguished by a fine line, and it is critical not to confuse the two. Being confident about the exam is a good thing; however, don’t overdo it and become careless when answering questions. Some students become overly excited after reading the question paper, which can result in silly mistakes and, as a result, negative marking.

So, for a better result, try to control your emotions while taking the NEET exam.

Skip Doubtful Questions:

If you are unsure about a question, do not attempt it. If you get stuck on a question that is taking up your time or that you are unsure about, skip it but do not rush through it. If you try such questions, they will almost certainly be incorrect, which will result in negative marking in NEET.

Leaving open-ended questions rather than attempting a wrong answer is a wise decision because of the negative marking in NEET.

Never Choose Two Answers:

Always adhere to NEET guidelines. When taking the NEET exam, it is critical to follow the guidelines to avoid negative marking, such as not selecting two answers for one question on the OMR sheet. If you do this, whether on purpose or unintentionally, the entire question will be disqualified, resulting in negative marking. Make certain that there is no overlap. And neatly complete the OMR sheet.

Don’t Answer at the Last Moment:

Exams like NEET should not be attempted at the last minute, and one should not gamble by answering questions they don’t know. Students may feel that their answer sheet is incomplete and that they haven’t attempted many questions, but the best thing to do is to leave questions blank. Attempting such questions may result in negative marking, reducing your chances of receiving a good grade.

Even when revising, avoid attempting any remaining questions if you are unsure about them.

Avoid Oral Calculation:

Remember that NEET does not assess your intelligence. Instead, it will assess your comprehensive understanding of all concepts and their applications. As a result, do not attempt to solve any questions orally. Calculations should always be done with a pen and paper. That way, you can be certain that the answers are correct.

Follow NEET Guidelines:

It is critical to follow the guidelines when taking the NEET exam to avoid receiving negative marks. Never, for example, select two answers on an OMR sheet because that question will be disqualified and result in a negative marking. Furthermore, ensure that the answer circles on the OMR sheet are neatly filled out and that there is no overlapping.

Don’t Panic:

When a question paper is handed to students in the exam hall, many of them become anxious about the questions they do not know or are unsure about. However, this will have an immediate negative impact on those young minds, and they may lose focus, resulting in a poor outcome. As a result, the first and most important task is to thoroughly read the paper and begin with questions that you are familiar with.

It is critical to overcoming stress and anxiety so that you can remain calm during exam hours and correctly answer all of the questions.


To reduce stress, identify the easy questions and begin your set with them. Because stress undermines a student’s confidence, the best strategy is, to begin with, simpler questions first. This has a direct impact on the student’s psychology by restoring the student’s faith in himself. It’s similar to warming up your brain to prepare for difficult questions.

On the other hand, starting with difficult questions increases stress, causing students to mark incorrect answers, even to questions they are familiar with.

Elimination Guesswork:

If you are unsure about a particular question, you can eliminate the options one by one to determine the correct answer. If you eliminate two options, you have a 50% chance of being correct, and if you eliminate three options, you have a 100% chance of being correct, remember there is negative marking in NEET.

Conclusion: (Negative Marking in NEET)

These are some general guidelines that all NEET candidates should follow while preparing for and taking the exam. Maintain a positive and confident attitude. Make the mistake of believing that you can obtain a high ranking by guessing answers. These kinds of stupid mistakes will only increase your chances of receiving a low grade and becoming an impediment to your success. While NEET is a difficult entrance exam, obtaining a good rank is not difficult if you prepare thoroughly according to all of the guidelines and syllabus and leave no room for silly mistakes.

Always work on your fundamentals and be ready to land one of the top positions.

Negative Marking in NEET Powered By thinkIIT

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